Stoneground Flour Seed Bread
Posted in: Recipes
Posted on: April 6, 2020
Prep time: 10 minutes
Rising Time: 40 to 60 minutes depending on ambient temperature
Baking time: 1 hour
5 cups wholemeal stoneground flour
1 packet instant yeast
¼ cup linseeds
½ cup sunflower seeds
½ cup pumpkin seeds
2 teaspoons unrefined salt(Himalayan or unrefined sea salt)
3 cups warm water

- Prepare a large loaf tin, well sprayed with baking spray
- Place dry ingredients in a large bowl & mix
- Add water and mix well with a wooden spoon(no kneading)
- Place the batter into the loaf tin and leave in a warm area(near the stove, windowsill) uncovered, till well risen, time to rise is 40 to 60 minutes depending on ambient temperature
- Bake in a pre heated oven for 1 hour at 200, If you like an extra crispy crust remove from the loaf tin for the last 10 minutes